Wednesday, March 17, 2010

you are part of we

I continue to be above it all. It's strange living on the 14th floor. It's a lot like living alone in a cabin with different scenery. And I've been getting out more.

Yesterday was my sister's baby's birthday. For which I was hoping to finish the song I started last year. Close, really close; soon. So last night, I joined Corbett and Grace at Uncommon Ground for an open mic to play it there--as much as I could remember (the second half--verse, pre-chorus, chorus--is mostly the same as the first but with different words--words I can't remember right now).

There was a time when I would use a lot of ellipses. I think it said something about my personality, something about prioritizing fragments over complete thoughts. Now, I use dashes, which I find more "legit".

Random Coïncidences:
  • I went to see Corey Dargel on Saturday and met a girl who knew of the salons in Hyde Park and whose best friend played violin at the most recent one. She also plays in my old friend Mark's theatrical post-glam-goth chamber rock band: The Dead Superheroes Orchestra.
  • I crossed paths with Pierce, old friend from the co-op while riding through downtown on Monday.
  • Laura walked past the Subway where I was eating after the 8bb concert. The concert was a prelude to a dinner at the Publican, but tickets were 250. I got invited to see the concert and then bought myself a 5-dollar footlong. [Is the song stuck in your head now?]
  • I went to MusicNOW on Monday and am apparently quite the celebrity for booing last time. Here's my review.
  • That last one isn't really a coïncidence.
  • I met a guy who I follow on Twitter at the MusicNOW concert. We introduced ourselves, after which we both said: "Ah, YOU'RE that guy!" Then he learned that I was the one who booed.
I started the 4th season of Lost last night. I have been realizing that I don't have enough time in a day to blog (personal), blog (music), read (this verdammte required reading for the bike tours), write music, watch a movie or Lost, go to concerts. Say no to say yes! Pick a couple for every day. So I might not update this blog every day for a while. Don't worry.

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