Wednesday, March 31, 2010

make your own fate

I got caught up last night; I watched in on tv and now know everything you know--about Lost. I'm not exactly proud of it, but at least, today, I don't have hours of streaming video to tempt me away from some quality introspection and musicking. On the continuum of "good/evil" to "everything-is-relative", turns out it is, in fact, somewhere in between. There seems to be a clear evil but good is ambiguous. Which seems more like our experience: we can all agree on certain acts as evil (maybe not unanimous, but close enough), but there are as many paths to righteousness as there are religions. Maybe to be good is to not be evil. It's like, we can all agree on what silence is, but we can't agree what music is. And, to continue the metaphor, we need silence to define the music, to give it a shape by which we can perceive it.

The show also talks a lot about "good people" and "bad people", often redefining the same person several times in an episode. According to my above interpretation, there are only bad people and not-bad people. And many of the not-bad people think they're good, but few can agree on what that means.

I feel like I've been writing a lot of not-bad music, living a not-bad life, but it's maybe time to get on some path for good. But, considering I tend not to stay on the path if it's laid out before me, I'll have to get my machete and find my own way, make my own path. I feel like I've said something similar before--like when I started this blog.

I went for a bike ride again this morning. Spring is here with conviction; flowers are pushing up through the dirt and birds are scrounging for food. And ants and mice are again exploring the house. I find it ironic that the traffic noise is almost louder here than in the city. We're about a mile from 94, so we get a lot of truck noise, depending on the room. Sometimes, though, the wave noise from the lake beats out the truck noise, depending on the wind.

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe you caught up that fast!

    and...there are mice at the cottage? i am planning on bringing some friends up there soon and really don't want to run into one!
