Monday, March 15, 2010

scheduling fail

I really wanted today to be different. I wanted to start in on things early and have a day to process all that I've been doing and then channel that into something sensical. But here I am at 11:30am finally getting to a quick post and then showering before a coffee date. And then I got invited to 8bb's concert at 5:30 before going to MusicNOW at 8. AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. I'm pretty paranoid about getting the time wrong (or the date), having mixed up details in the past, but I've gotten pretty good in recent years.

This weekend, however, the details are shifting under my feet. On Saturday, I went to a concert that was supposed to be at 1250 W Foster. I got to that address, found apartment buildings, none of which having that address. Then I got a text from some random friend saying "that's the wrong apartment." I thought he had the wrong Evan, but no. He was apparently driving by and saw me looking confusedly at addresses. I checked Twitter. Yes, Twitter. According to the tweet, it was 1250. I searched with an "app" for the name of the church around me and found it: 1650.

Then Sunday, I went to a show at 8pm but it was at 4. That one, I'm still confused about. I am completely certain that somewhere on their website said 8pm. I even put it on my ChicagoNOW blog as such. Their website is NOT the most accessible, more about aesthetic than readability. And Laura saw 8pm too. At some point, over the weekend maybe, they changed all the times to show the correct time. So when I got home, it said 4, and I started to think I was going crazy. It shook my wide-eyed faith in the universe.

My coffee date just canceled. I think that's actually the universe giving me what I need--based on what I expressed in the first paragraph. I'd love to sit in a coffee shop for the afternoon, go pick up a book at the library downtown (required reading for bike tours this year), and then to the concerts. But I think I'm going to spend 4 hours polishing some music; maybe you'll get to hear it tomorrow.

Did I mention coffee grinder in my list of needs? I know that sounds bougie, but, after this morning's failed experiments, it's on the list now.

1 comment:

  1. Amazon's suggested add-on - the Richard J. Daley book is a good read also.

    OK, you get the grinder but lose the filter. Grounds are good for you.
