Friday, March 12, 2010

Contrary to usual, I'll start with the big news: finished Lost Season 3 last night. You probably know this if you follow my Facebook stream with a fine-tooth comb. And it ended in a way that was such a downer. Somehow, they managed to contrast the usual flow of the show with scenes from another part of the timeline, creating an existential disconnect, leaving me with a feeling of hollowness that is unusual for the show. The ephemeral nature of life on the island, its fragility, the intensity of each moment suddenly became a mid-life crisis of a man whose meaning is redefined by a society that has left him behind. The naturalness of the motivations (basic survival) on the island become the twisted web of lies and simulacra that our economy uses to keep us in line.
I had dinner with Corbett and Grace last night, which ended with me slaughtering them in Scrabble. The letters I was getting seemed so much more flexible than normal. Good vibes.
My ChicagoNOW blog got 40-something unique visitors yesterday thanks to a post on Facebook. I need to figure out how to monetize it. And see more shows. I'm going to email the Symphony today. Tonight begins a slew of concerts. Tonight is a salon, tomorrow a flute recital before seeing a composer who's been likened to myself, Sunday is Winterreise after pizza for Corbett's birthday, and then Monday is MusicNOW. Tuesday is open, but Wednesday is Sound of Silent Film. All good things! I could get used to seeing a lot of concerts if they are this promising.
I gave the cat the steroid today, which I've been avoiding because it seems like a lot of effort and suffering for something that she might just regurgitate. Last day of housesitting, which comes at a good time; I'm not getting much good stuff done right now. I've had a deadline of tomorrow, for which I think I'll come up with some draft--but nothing final.
Oh and I got a haircut at "sine qua non", a salon in Andersonville. I never know where to go for haircuts; there's something in me that revolts at the idea of spending more than 20 or 30 for a cut, but there's something else (memory of failed cuts) that keeps me from wanting to be too cheap. So it was more than I would like to pay but I'm pretty content with it. And then I got a consultation on "product", which all cost more than I would like.

I'm starting to think that verbal thinking reduces musical thinking, the latter being more abstract. I'm thinking of taking a day off from words altogether, so if I disappear it's only for a moment.

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