In reverse chronological order, starting from Thursday morning at 10am:
-Cat's back to puking again
-It's raining, not looking forward to next time I have to walk the dog
-Realizing I can't decide what verb tense to use
-Ate breakfast (oatmeal, coffee) with cat on lap
-Saw cat (Mousie) eat her food
-Walked the dog, fed hm
-Got awoken at 7am by dog (Jack-Jack) wanting a walk
-Two more episodes to go before done with Season 3
-Went to bed at 1am after watching an episode of Lost
-Watched an episode of Lost after watching an episode of Lost
-Brushed teeth
-Walked dog, gave him a snack
-Watched an episode of Lost
-Riding back from Bobby's with Brian, who is fluent in German and has seen all the movies I watched last week. Coïncidence.
-Pizza and catching up with co-workers
-At Bobby's Bike Hike for meeting
-Riding fast down Lakefront Path
-Leaving for meeting, may be late
-Walked dog around 5pm; fed him too
-Rushing home in my car
-Deciding whether I need to get timing belt replaced
-Paying $530 for oil change and rear struts
-Hoping they finish my car so I can go walk the dog
-Watching Man U vs. AC Milan; Man U wins 4-0 with brilliant goals!
-Waiting for car at Tissili Cafe with all-male, all-Algerian crowd
-Eating a Omlette-Frite sandwich
-Walking down Pulaski toward Lawrence around noon
-Leaving Starbucks, feeling over-caffeinated
-Blogging on my iPhone
-Reading the Introduction to Adorno's writing on music
-Getting to Starbucks
-Walking from car place up Lawrence
-Arrived at car place at 9:45am
-Walked dog
-Ate breakfast (oatmeal, coffee)
-Walked dog, fed dog
And that's about it.

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