I've been adjusting to my new life. On Saturday, I came back to Chicago with enough time to pick up the keys to the condo in Rogers Park and take the Red Line to meet my mom at the opera. I saw the Marriage of Figaro, "a timeless romantic comedy," and then rode my bike back to Rogers Park. I really enjoyed the opera--much better than I had expected. I generally don't find comedic opera funny, but this was different. If you do visit the blog, be sure to go through the photo gallery; every picture view is a page view, hopefully leading up to me getting paid per page view some day.
Saturday night when I got back (at 1 or 2--after a drink with Darick at Konak's) I realized that I had to walk the dog. A week with responsibilities! How will I manage? So far so good. I walked him again on Sunday and will have to walk him every 5-6 hours until Friday night when they get back. There's a cat too who I have to force feed a pill every morning. Yesterday, I got her to swallow it; today, after a great deal of trouble, she swallowed it only to later throw it up. I think she's sick. I mean, I know she's sick--she has a tumor--but she's also been throwing up. Sad. And gross.
Today, I went to The Common Cup, and they were playing the WORST music--something like Adult Contemporary from the 90s and today. Absolute shit. Revolting. I couldn't listen to it. Fortunately, I had my headphones; fortunately, there was Grooveshark. And I wrote the post about Figaro, coming back in time to walk the dog.
I've gotten back into Lost, watching a bunch of episodes yesterday and 3 today already (2 with breakfast and 1 with lunch). It's still pretty good, but I think there is still a little too much violence and death (by murder mostly). It desensitizes me to it. I'd rather focus on the inherent complex of emotions pulling each character in so many directions.
I took a break from music, but I think I'm going to do a little this afternoon and then try to finish up a song this week. It's close, but I'm deep in the mire of the middle section, which is where I like to be the most creative--and chaotic.
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