My day started out ok. I made my bed, neglected any exercise, and had tea instead of coffee. I worked on some writing, mostly on a post about the Wagner adaptation I saw over the weekend. I thought it was well worth seeing despite some structural flaws. About 60% finished, I emailed the theater to see if they had any photos. Really, though, I emailed the woman who was with the media contact with the publicity company. Me writing a review did NOT sparkle with her. Apparently, it's still a "preview" so things might change, making it against the "rules" to write a review of it. She then emailed the guy at the review site and it became a big mess. I just thought they would some buzz; any press is good press. Even though it was a preview, they can't change the important things. I must approach reviewing from a different perspective than most - perhaps less detail oriented, focusing more on the choices made long ago. Like the music being inappropriate. Like the cool shadow puppets and inventive other shit. I really just want people to go and to help make it better, but I don't really care any more. The file will probably fester and rot on my hard drive.
Mostly though, unfortunately, the whole ordeal drained me. I distracted myself by hearing the leitmotifs of the cycle and reading some articles about it.
I then made my food for the week: butternut squash, sweet potato soup and rice. Tastes great. Today. Let's see how I feel in a couple days when I'm still eating it.

Around the afternoon, I felt unmotivated and hazy - like I just woke up from a nap. I watched some History channel programs on the Earth and its place in the galaxy to help put me in my place. Apparently our sun has orbited around the center of the galaxy (the massive black hole) only 18 times in billions of years. Then some more tea, and I forced myself to listen through some stuff I did last week, hoping to get inspired. There's some good stuff brewing, but I couldn't bring myself to delve back into it.
Overall, I felt kind of blasé and half-asleep. I blame coffee: I had way too much over the weekend, so I was in mental and physical withdrawal today. I'll get some sleep tonight, but I think I'll have one cup tomorrow. This is a short, short week, so I got to make Wed, Thu, Fri really count.
Now that I'm thinking about the huge black hole at the center of our universe, I can't help but think how wrong the ancient myths are. Christians can use the Sun as a metaphor for God, bringing light to the world. Greeks talked about Apollo. It's amazing how far we've come in our thinking, from seeing the Earth as the center of the universe, to seeing the Sun as the center, to seeing this black hole as the center of our galaxy, which is only one of billions in the universe. Now maybe we'll see how we need both the light and the dark: the Sun keeps us warm, but the black hole keeps our solar system from flying out into intergalactic space.
This is the appropriate
South Park episode for this discussion. The Earth gets cancelled.
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