* The cleaning woman came last week after my mom used the cabin with her friends. First the bad news: she broke my dish-scrub-brush. Then the good: she found my mom's lost set of keys.
* Ants have resumed their usual levels. I find 1, maybe 2, a day.
* I went to the bar last night, resuming a tradition that took hiatus last week. Watched the Canada-Russia hockey game, which was a lot of fun! The Canucks were slaughtering the Ruskies. Good thing this is sports and that's metaphorical.
* I'm half-way through season 2 of Lost. Overall, still enthralling. Nice to see some of the missing pieces get filled in--pieces I had even forgotten were missing. And the characters that I thought I wouldn't like are starting to grow on me; and vice versa. [I was getting a little tired of one-track Michael whining about his kid, and now he's gone--for a while.]
I've said this before, but I like the way that Lost and the Watchmen worked. You're going along enjoying the story, but then some detail from way back emerges from the shadows and suddenly becomes central. It's this manner of weaving that I would like to see more of--in plots, in music. Any detail that seems inconsequential makes it easy to ignore the details. And God is in the details. Or the devil. Depends who you talk to.

Last night after the bar, I came back and watched a couple episodes of Lost with some Scotch. [I'm trying to grow hair on my chest, but all I get are these random nomads. I do not come from a hairy tribe.] And I ended up sad. Sad due to some combination of the alcohol, the plot, and the jarring transition back from a desert island to a snowy cabin. In the plot, one of my favorite characters, Charlie, did some strange things that resulted in his ostracism from the group. Touched a nerve. It's probably healthy for me to feel lonely in a cabin in the woods all by myself for a week. It's a good sign.

I've been making some progress on the piece I'm "writing". At this point, I'm gathering ideas. Well, to be fair,first, I'm generating them, then organizing. I keep telling myself "Clean Space, Clean Mind", but I still can't quite keep things as ordered as I need my mind to be. But it's coming together--just slowly. Which is good. Things I write quickly end up being simple. Things that have a long gestation end up being richer, more organic.
Today, I also watched the CSO live broadcast of the announcement of their next season. While doing that, after getting a little bored with the pomp and circumstance, I checked out this site I saw tv show...that I'm a little embarrassed to admit watching: Tosh.0. [It's on Commy Central, and so somehow after South Park or The Colbert Report, I found that it's actually kind of funny--not quite 13-y.o. boy humor, but maybe 17.] So it's this site called "chatroulette". You get randomly paired with someone and are thrust into a video chat. Totally scary, right? It's an interesting experience, nonetheless. I do NOT recommend it because of the obscene things you will inevitably find--even if that goes against their "policy". [You can report offenders, but by then the damage has been done.]
[If you didn't realize, the two photos above are of the same person.]
Off to sleep. To Dream of a better tomorrow.
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