Without a clear sense of it, it's easy to get lost, which is what I've been doing this week (and last). My head is clearer this week but my progress is impeded by trepidation and distraction.
And I've been getting into Lost - the tv show. I'm not sure why, but it's been something I've been passively interested in after hearing some of the buzz about metaphysical and sci-fi plot twists in recent years. I'm partway through season 1 - so far, so good. I can see why people get excited about it. For me, I am totally aware of how it is manipulating me emotionally, and yet I submit myself to it anyway. It's like emotional porn. In fact, I would say that most entertainment is, in some way, related to porn in the sense that it's artificial manipulation of our mental state, eliciting various feelings and thoughts to make up for their lack in our own lives. Watching a show about people stranded on a desert island helps make up for the lack of desert islands in my life. [And in a way, I, myself, am in a castaway period.]

Pull the Strings!
I'm betting it will transcend this base level of entertainment. I'm not exactly sure what that would entail. Maybe "Art" is when you're not overtly aware of the manipulations and the intent of the manipulation is ambiguous.
I worked a fair number of hours yesterday on music but with nothing significant to show for it.
I'm headed into Chicago this weekend to see some operas. Friday and Saturday is the performance of USW by Opera Cabal. I'm going on Friday so I can go to the Lyric Opera on Saturday. They're doing the Damnation of Faust by Berlioz. I know next to nothing about it.
I'm closer and closer to actually going to South Bend to sit in a coffee shop. Let's get some work done and see what happens this afternoon.
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