Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 2: Dust Settles

I've been here two full days, but it seems like much longer. I'm digging new grooves in the soft clay and yet they seem so familiar. Soon they'll become ruts but of my own doing.

The new morning routine is: make bed, do some yoga or push ups, breakfast and coffee, free write. Then to music. I've never been one to feel a strong need to make my bed, but I'm trying to keep a more orderly existence; it seems like a good place to start. I figure I've already got chaos down pat, so let's give order a try.

So today I worked on an arrangement of Perfume by Mysteriam. You can hear their version on their website. I'd been playing with it for a while off and on but still hadn't found the right combination of instruments. Until today. It's by no means done, but I at least know where to begin: clarinets and strings all on middle D.

That took me up to lunch. And continued after lunch. At about 3 Laura came over.

I tried to finish the piano piece I started yesterday, but I'm being too perfectionistic. I'll have something for you all to hear by the end of the week.

The night is so beautiful here, especially when it's clear like tonight. I forget what a rich tapestry of stars the night sky can be. Laura and I went to Cafe Gulistan partially because it was the only thing open. And as it turns out, we were the only customers. There was another couple there but were on assignment from a local news magazine and were taking lots of pictures. They even photographed our food, making us wait an extra 5 minutes. It was an interesting exercise in desire and anticipation, something I don't usually experience with food. I was hungry and ate the whole thing, even taking the hock of lamb home "to make soup." I'm assuming you just boil it in some water.

I still have yet to explain the blog title. It'll have to wait till tomorrow.

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