The other day, for instance, I went off to O'Hare to see Quentin before he heads to Europe for 2 months. Sound familiar? We're going to meet up along the way, so we have some things to talk about.
Related to something else, a conversation I had today, I found this article. It is ostensibly about "nervous breakdowns" but in the meat of the article brings up other terms, such as "burnout syndrome." It seems to me that you can be burnt out without having a breakdown. So maybe they're not perfect synonyms but part of our on-going quest to be more precise with language.
The scientists in Europe who came up with "burnout syndrome" talked about 3 varieties: frenetic, underchallenged, and worn out. I like those categories and think they may prove helpful to people to pinpoint the source of their angst.
I think I was dabbling in all three without really focusing on any one, avoiding completely burning out.
I spent the first few months defining the problems and then the next few months healing. Now I'm ready for an adventure. And then the cycle begins again.

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