It made me want to be a revolutionary. But what doesn't make me want to be a revolutionary? In fact, maybe it would be good to redefine myself as such, so that when I meet people at parties I can say "revolutionary" instead of "composer." They would probably meet with the same reaction. Let's try it: I'll switch it up, do a field test, see what happens. On second thought, what kind of pretentious ass defines himself (or herself) as a revolutionary? I would hate to be "that guy" (or "that girl"). Really, though, it's all a lie; to be more accurate, I should say "homeless" or "vagabond"--call me what you will.
The best part of the documentary was seeing the total certainty expressed by the revolutionaries (how else do you win a war?) and then contrasted with the absolute hatred lavished upon Che when he came to the UN in NYC. If everyone's right, then no one is right.
I made good music yesterday. Not quite revolutionary but not quite typical. [New though: that will the line I'll use at parties.]
I realized the other day that I have a ton of pretty decent stuff laying around in unfinished states on my hard drive. First, I should back it up. Second, I should finish some of it, make a CD. Third, I should ride my bike across the country, stopping in small towns and playing some tunes.
Now, though, I've got miles to go before I sleep.

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