5) #1 TV experience: Lost
I have Darick to blame for Lost. I went along with him to a Lost watching party some time during the 5th season. Though it didn't make a lot of sense at the time, I actually remembered enough to piece some things together. Actually, very few things. The characters I met in that episode were in completely different situations up until the 5th season. But it was fun to forget about it and then feel like things were clicking in place. I watched the first 5 seasons between January and March on Netflix and then had to somehow catch up on the 6th season (with a lot of googling and bad picture quality). I got caught up and was able to watch the last 3 or 4 episodes live on tv, watching the final episode at my parents' home with my sister (another Lostie) and parents. Watching something like Lost with my dad is always an exercise in patience: he doesn't always hear or understand everything and so if ever he doesn't understand something, he wants us to explain. But what if it's meant to be ambiguous? What if we don't know yet? But it wasn't so bad, and I thought the ending provided just enough closure and unanswered questions. Now I really want to get into Twin Peaks just to see what the fuss is about.